Sunday, March 05, 2006

Savannah's Dam, Cillier's Kylu, Performance Neapolitan Mastiff

Lines: Fruit D'Amour, Hungary and Kennel of the Thatched Roof, Belgium

Savannah's Sire, Steel-Traps Khoba Khan, Performance AB

Lines: White Fang, Watchdog Kennels, Shawn-Kris, and Bulldogs by Allison


Sheena and Hufter, Madagascar (updated June 6, 2006)

Guard and Sentry

Voodoo, Canada

Mondio Ring, RIP HD

Blade, New Guinea

Hog Hunting-RIP tried to take on a feral hog as a pup not much older than this.

Echo, North or South Carolina

RIP-kennel accident

Shaka & Zulu, Texas

Zulu-Guard Dog

Shaka-Guard Dog RIP-shot by a neighbor

Demon, South Africa

Guard Dog